Monday, October 24, 2011

Necro Story

Added a page for my Necromancer story. It is currently unnamed and is a work in progress.

The new page is LONG, I refuse to separate it into individual pages, as that would eventually make  the link bar crowded and unmanageable.

feel free to read it and send me any comments/criticism always looking to improve.

I am posting this here because I couldn't find any fiction hosting sites I liked, I have a fictionpress account but forgot the password, and can no longer access the email linked to it -_-

Friday, September 9, 2011

Painted ORCA

So today I painted my first mini, and I chose the ORCA squad leader. Why? Their the biggest 15mm I have XD that and I wanted to see how well the orange looked in a large area. So far I like it.

Read more for the pics.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

MAG update

Due to the recent discovery of this blog MacPhee's Miniature Men I will be starting on my mag army painting fairly soon. His method is a good fit for what I'm looking for in painting style, so will break out the paint and brushes soon. :D

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And the list keeps growing.

So, sadly, no updates for any other projects D:
However I have a few new ones to work on. Namely a pair of arm tattoos and a longterm project.
Long term as in this for sure will not be going down for a year or so.
Tattoos are relatively simple, and I'm mostly half done, just some final mental organization for one, then I can start on the other.

The long term project, is to build a fully functional carbine. Legally of course, so all required paperwork and taxes will be acquired and payed, and any other legal requirements (such as no auto fire) will be strictly adhered to. So some research and such is in order. This site, The Home Gunsmith was a big influence and what rekindled the desire to build a gun.
Anyway that's all for now

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Mini Blog

Added a new page that links to a "mini blog" that will hold battle reports for my wargaming shenanigans.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

M.A.G. update

So I finally got the Raven and Valor minis in, and cleaned them up the best i could.
Sadly however, the most I can do is base them. I still need to get something to finish the bases with, then I can start on painting

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beware my power of......Potatoes?

So been running this rpg for a while, and during one of the realtimes, to get out of being blamed for something, I changed my name to Potato, and said "It wasn't me, I'm a potato." So then found out i leveled up, so changed the name to lvl3_Potato. Now somehow it became lvl3 Potatomancer.

So now I'm gonna make a d&d Potatomancer class :D

Sunday, June 26, 2011

More fuel for the fire....

So more projects, I can't stop thinking of new things to overload my mind with...don't judge me... Anyway, I've decided to get back to learning Russian, gave it a half try in the past, now I"m gonna do it >:D (hopefully...)
Next up, after a weekend with my buddies family, (they all play some type of instrument) I decided to finally give in and take one up. Bass, just love the sound, and maybe drums at somepoint, put only if i build an electric kit myself. I'm picky like that XD.
Not so much a project as a theoretical idea (it makes sense if you don't think about it) I'm gonna work on a design for a chainsaw guitar. Not a guitar with a chainsaw style body, or a guitar chainsaw combo,(think the double necked guitar style) but a functioning chainsaw that can be played as a guitar. What I'm picturing is most likely possible, and probably pretty safe,(as safe as playing a chainsaw like a guitar can be anyway....XD) so yea, I have too many ideas, and theoretical ability.... Time to take some action. Maybe

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Book, binding and....something

So, can't believe I forgot to put this one up here.
I've been a part of a forum based rpg for a while now (you can follow it at my buddy's blog), and one day I was browsing around Instructables, when I found one that caught my eye, book binding.

Deciding then that I HAD to bind a book, I was originally just going to make a sketchbook, needed a new one anyway XD. Then inspiration struck, I was all ":o What would be awesome, is if I did a book based on our rpg."
So now that's what I'm working on, gonna write it all out fancy like, with illustrations and all that jazz, then print a couple copies and send them off to the members of the rpg. w00t!

Plushie me....What?

So another project sprang up, more for someone else than for myself.
My girlfriends birthday is coming up, so I need to get her a present. Well I don't need to, but where's the fun in that XD.
So rather than going out and spending someones moneys. (I have none) I decided I'd make her something, that's what I do XD. (also make this face XD a lot apparently Oo)
So since she loves plushies, I decided to make her one, of my fursona, Feng.

So I drew up a pattern from scratch, have all the material, canvas and some green fluffy stuff (I don't know fabrics -_-) and now I just need to get to cutting, sewing, and stuffing. I'm thinking some beads for weight, but half stuffed, I prefer non-cuddly* ones to be kinda floppy XD.
*Canvas is a little rough to be snuggling with,

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Project

So now I have a new project to start on, but first some background.(If not I'll forget why I'm calling it what I am XD)
So in my gaming clan my squad is pretty good at getting in and taking objectives fast, and keeping them. However on the forums we tend to be kinda quiet. So one day one of the higher ups came in and said "Sabers, you guys have got to be THE quietest, sneakiest, bomb ninjas in the world." and that just seems like an awesome thing to be, a Bomb Ninja. So thats my new project, to become a bomb ninja. XD

Basically all I'm going to do is make some accessories to wear for awesomeness.
A hat, made of black canvas with neon green fleece lining, and 1 or 2 velcro spots for patches.
A half-mask, that'll basically cover my chin, mouth, and nose, for that ninja look. :D
Probably add some fingerless gloves in there, again just for awesomeness, and most likely with a nice embroidered Feng symbol, thinking neon green.
The patches I'll be adding will most likely be hand made, squad logo and maybe a medic patch.
Looking at it in text, it looks like a lot, but it shouldn't be too much. Got most of what I need already.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Xiangqi Board

So my Xiangqi board is probably the closest to being done.
Currently the board is in the finishing stages, just need to cut it down to a more manageable size, and maybe etch the lines into the surface.
In terms of pieces, I have half of a traditional set finished. They are made of sculpey, just formed into flat disks with the symbols written on in sharpie.
I also have half of a figurine set, they are pieces more in the style of western chess.
All in all this will probably be the first project finished. :D

Monday, May 16, 2011

Arc Welder

I've been working on an arc welder. I say working as if I've done much XD.
So far what I've done is removed the secondary coil from a microwave oven transformer. I'm barely half done, as I need a second transformer, roughly 50 feet of 10g wire, and some jumper cables. Still a lot to be done with this one.
Ah well, gives me plenty of time to find a good enclosure, preferably something non-flammable.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So, figure I'll post about where I'm at with each project, starting with MAG.

Currently, I have the SVER figures, they are on bases but need flocking and painting.
I used the Sahadeen from Rebel Minis, I figure, their nomadic nature and their hooded troops fit with SVERs look and feel.

Plan to get Raven next, most likely going to be the Titan Marines, also from Rebel.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Project list 5/11

Current Projects:

M.A.G. in mini: I plan to recreate the Massive Action Game PS3 game in the form of a  15mm miniature wargame. Current plan is to use miniatures from Rebel Minis to recreate the 3 PMCs from the game.

Arc welder: Building a DIY arc welder, figure the best way to learn welding is by understanding how the welder works. Plus it's cheaper than buying one.

Xiangqi board and set: Doing a custom Xiangqi (Chinese chess) set and a homemade board.

Well that's all I have for the moment, there's probably more I'm forgetting to mention, but I'll post if I remember


So the whole purpose of this blog is for me to keep track of all the projects I'm working on.
This isn't necessarily  for other people to read, but hey, someone may find some use from it, or inspiration.
Anyway I decided to make it look at least a little interesting, if not I wouldn't want to stare at it long enough to keep up with it.

Next post will have current project descriptions.